Job Packages

Enhanced Clarity in Pricing for Improved Hiring

We have updated the pricing for Sponsored Jobs. From now on, you will be charged a fixed price for each application, and you will only pay for the applications that you consider qualified

Our Featured Services

Exploring Our Feature-Packed Services: Unleashing Possibilities

  • Talent Match

    Discover your perfect candidate effortlessly through our advanced matching algorithm.

  • HireSync

    Synchronize your hiring process for seamless and efficient team expansion.

  • SkillScout

    Uncover hidden talents with our specialized scouting tools and widen your candidate pool.

  • Quick Support

    Instant, reliable assistance at your fingertips

  • WeHire Assess

    Evaluate candidates effectively through tailored assessments for informed hiring decisions

  • InclusiveTalent

    Source from a diverse and inclusive talent pool, fostering innovation and growth.

Our Job Packages

Choose from a curated selection of job listings that align with your skills, experience, and ambitions. We handpick opportunities from various industries, ensuring a comprehensive array of options.


  • 5 job posting
  • 1 Featured On Demand
  • Job displayed for 30 days
  • No Premium Support 24/7

Better job visibility in search

Sponsored job listings enjoy enhanced visibility within search results, increasing the likelihood of being noticed by individuals seeking positions similar to yours

Less searching, better matching

Incorporate screening questions and deal breakers to outline your essential job prerequisites, such as years of experience or educational background.We will present you with individuals who fulfill these criteria.

Find the right people

Gain entry to suitable candidates and view a roster of individuals whose resumes on Indeed align with your job description.

Extend invitations for them to apply, and only incur charges when they submit their application and you deem them qualified

Find the one that’s right for you.